Save up to 32% of Electricity

We offer a smart thermostat that uses Machine Learning & AI to minimize electricity consumption.

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Intelligent Thermostat

Thanks to which you will be able to save up to 32% of energy

Dedicated App

Ecostat is a thermostat you'll forget about. Thanks to dedicated system and our AI algorithms controlling the heating of your home, you can focus on a comfortable rest at home and forget about high electricity bills.

Optimization of energy consumption

Ecostats use active machine learning for monitor temperature drops in rooms and learn which rooms have the least thermal insulation, so they always know how long it takes them to heat the right room to the right temperature, optimizing electricity consumption.

Integration with PV

Ecostats plan intelligent heating of the building in order to maximize the use of currently produced energy by the photovoltaic installation, thus minimizing the sending of surplus energy produced to the power grid, i.e. significantly saving electricity and reducing the load on the power grid

Less active power required

Ecostats communicate with each other and the electricity meter in the building, and then use machine learning to minimize the demand for active power by queuing space heating according to the priorities set by the users

Serves rooms up to 67m2

Ecostats can handle managing a room up to 67 m2, significantly simplifying installation, operation and lowering the investment cost

Simplicity in installation

Ecostats are mounted in flush-mounted boxes. And we connect them in the same way as other thermostats, thanks to which their installation is very simple

EcoStat App Features

Ecostat is a thermostat you'll forget about.

AI & ML Algorithms

Artificial intelligence algorithms that control heating and save electricity.

Minimizing active power

Minimzing active power algorithm queques space heating according to the priorities set by the user.


Geolocation algorithm that monitors your location and optimizing heating control.

PV Optimization

PV Optimization algorithm plan intelligently heating of the building in order to maximize the use of currently produced energy.

Smart Scheduling

Smart Scheduling algorithm that monitors your activities through time and actively schedules heating programs.

Smart Home Integration

Integrated with known smart home systems.

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